Attribution of maps is required. Per the Mapbox attribution requirements:
Commerical use is prohibited.
Static and print maps need to be attributed in the same fashion as you would cite a photograph: in a textual description near the image.
If you can include HTML, use this code snippet that includes links to Mapbox & OpenStreetMap:
© <a href=''>Mapbox</a> © <a href=''>OpenStreetMap</a> <strong><a href='' target='_blank'>Improve this map</a></strong>
For print output or if you can’t include links, use this text-only attribution:
© Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
Attribution of maps is required. Per the OpenMapTiles terms of use:
Commerical use is prohibited.
The OpenMapTiles has a strict requirement of attribution on the produced maps - whether you use the free, purchased or self-generated map tiles. It is important part of the sustainability strategy. By using OpenMapTiles you agree
to provide such attribution on the maps you display.
For a browsable electronic map based on OpenMapTiles and OpenStreetMap data, the credit should appear in the corner of the map. For example:
© <a href=''>OpenMapTiles</a> © <a href=''>OpenStreetMap contributors</a> <strong><a href='' target='_blank'>Improve this map</a></strong>
For printed maps, images or video recording a similar attribution should be made in a clearly visible textual description near the map, in the same fashion as if you cite a photograph.
Other datasets (such as Satellite or DEM derived data) may require attribution as well.