Prasanta Kumar Dutta

An Information Experience Designer, crafting award-winning visual stories with data at Reuters and solving problems in an aesthetically pleasing way.

The site is built from the ground up using Sveltekit and styled using a custom build of OpenProps . The content is served via markdown files parsed through mdsvex . It is hosted via GitHub Pages .

The pages are set in Erode and Hind typefaces from the Indian Type Foundry, along with Montserrat for the title, served via Fontshare. The layout is designed to be fluid based on a typography and spacing scale generated using Utopia .

#2f0743 violet is used as the primary colour along with #231d25 black and #999999 grey. They are paired with their softer accents.

The logo is a visual play on the reflective symmetry of my initials p and d along the axis of k made by the negative space between the shapes.

The animated line-drawing portrait was generated using AiDraw . The icons are a courtesy of the Iconify project .

Get in touch to know more about my work, 1:1 mentorship, dataviz design workshops or invite me to speak at your event!